09 Jan

In this festive season, we get so busy with a lot of things like buying presents for guests and cooking a big meal and many more important things. Now in this busy schedule who gets the time to devote to decorating each and every corner of the house for holidays? But it does mean you will not decorate it at all, because if you do so, you will end up being called a Scrooge. And you definitely do not want that right? So we are here to let you know some tips and tricks that will take less than five minutes to decorate your home. Yes , you have heard right, only five minutes you have to give out of your busy schedule and your home will end up as a beautiful home this festive season. So let us start.

Deck the doorways: Decorate a central doorway in your home with bulb-string lights, snowflakes, or light-up stars. You can get these items by purchasing the best home decor subscriptions boxes, in which you get all the beautiful items of home decor. This cultured idea will add a lovely glow to your home and is light enough to keep up after the vacation. 

Embellish a bar cart: If you own a bar cart, all you need to do is decorate it with seasonal glimmers, such as metallic accents and a vase of winter blooms. Put glasses and all the essentials for basic cocktails on that bar cart so guests can assist themselves—and you won't have to play the role of bartender.

Darling clementines: The clementine; you can get this item of holiday decoration online. All you have to do is take multiple lengths of heavy-gauge wire, tangle one end of each, and string via a clementine and a jingle bell. Wring all the cables into a cluster and connecting them with a big bow. Hang on a stair rod or your show door. 

We hope that these above-mentioned ideas will be worth your time. If you find these tips and tricks, then what are you waiting for? Just go and start decorating your home by following these ideas. If you want to take the best subscription box gifts for the holidays, then you can consider us at Ready Festive.

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